Future-Fit (27)

Working toward a just and regenerative future

Talking Future‑Fit Business on South Africa’s Classic FM

Today I took part in a panel discussion for Classic Business, the daily programme on South Africa’s Classic FM reporting on the stories that are shaping markets and driving investment decisions. Host Michael Avery led a wide-ranging discussion with Geoff and fellow panelists, Nerina Visser of Nedbank…

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Can humanists save the world?

We’re up the creek but, together, we may yet be able to paddle out. I'm not religious, but – aside from feeling strangely proud when I was once branded a “born-again heathen” – I've never considered this to be a core part of my identity.

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The battle for sustainable cities

Although occupying only 2% of the Earth’s land surface, cities account for more than 60% of global energy consumption and 75% of carbon emissions. Over 3.5bn people are city dwellers today, and by 2050 that number is projected to almost double. With figures like these, it’s…

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Three things to do before next Earth Day

For me, and I daresay for many working in the sustainability space, Earth Day has become an opportunity to reflect on the progress we’ve made over the past year, and to think about where we need to focus our efforts going forward. This year I find myself…

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Putting the Steve in Sustainability

We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Steve Jobs Steve Jobs has passed away at the age of 56, having transformed the way we use and think about technology. Those of us working toward a more sustainable world would be wise to pay…

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A cautionary tale for sustainability-seeking CEOs

At SustainAbility we are in the business of transforming business: helping companies to move to truly sustainable business models and supply chains. But for the leaders of the global corporations with whom we work, real transformation – as opposed to low-risk, step-by-step change – can seem daunting.

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